ALD symposium at 240th ECS Meeting

Date(s) - October 10, 2021 - October 14, 2021
All Day
Orange County Convention Center
The organizers of symposium G01 on “Atomic Layer Deposition Applications, 17” encourage you to submit your abstracts on the following (and closely related) topics:
- Semiconductor CMOS applications: development and integration of ALD high-k oxides and metal electrodes with conventional and high-mobility channel materials;
- Volatile and non-volatile memory applications: extendibility, Flash, MIM, MIS, RF capacitors, etc.;
- Interconnects and contacts: integration of ALD films with Cu and low-k materials;
- Fundamentals of ALD processing: reaction mechanisms, in-situ measurement, modelling, theory;
- New precursors and delivery systems;
- Optical and photonic applications;
- Coating of nanoporous materials by ALD;
- MLD and hybrid ALD/MLD;
- ALD for energy conversion applications such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, etc.;
- ALD for energy storage applications;
- Productivity enhancement, scale-up and commercialization of ALD equipment and processes for rigid and flexible substrates, including roll-to-roll deposition;
- Area-selective ALD;
- Atomic Layer Etching (‘reverse ALD’) and related topics aiming at self-limited etching, such as atomic layer cleaning, etc.
Meeting abstracts should be submitted not later than the deadline of April 23, 2021 via the ECS website:
You can find there also the submission instructions
List of confirmed invited speakers
■ Keynotes
– Stacey Bent, Stanford University, USA: Mechanisms of ALD: Toward Applications in Area-Selective Deposition
– Jonas Sundqvist, Fraunhofer Institute, Dresden, Germany & BALD Engineering, Sweden: Status & Trends in the Global Atomic Layer Processing Market
■ Invited
– Henrik Sønsteby, Univ. of Oslo, Norway: Beyond LaNiO3 – Direct Epitaxy of More Exotic Rare Earth Nickelates by ALD
– Barry Arkles, Gelest, USA: New ALD Precursors and Processes
– Karsten Arts, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Role of Ions During Plasma-Enhanced ALD
– Angel Yanguas-Gil, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, USA: Machine learning/A.I. for ALD process optimization
– Noémi Leick, National Renewable Energy Lab, Boulder, USA: ALD for hydrogen storage
– Jane Chang, UCLA, USA: Atomic Layer Etching
– Xiangbo Meng , University of Arkansas, USA: ALD and MLD for Next-Generation rechargeable batteries
– Shuhui Sun, Inst. National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada: ALD for Electrochemical Catalysis
– Lin Chen, Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China: ALD Based Flexible Memristive synapses for Neuromorphic Computing Application
– Sayeef Salahuddin, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA: Ferroelectric Materials and Devices
– Hao-Chung Kuo, National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan: ALD for Mini- and MicroLED and Nanostructured Optoelectronics
– Necmi Biyikli, Univ. Connecticut, USA: ALD of GaN and AlN
– Mattia Pasquali, Univ. Leuven & imec, Belgium: Surface-driven mechanisms to enable Area-Selective Deposition by Combining Organic Film Deposition and ALD
– Parag Banerjee, University of Central Florida, USA: ALD for Solar Energy Conversion
– Cathérine Marichy, Univ. of Lyon, France: ALD of stable 2D materials
■ Tutorials
– Ola Nilsen, Univ. of Oslo, Norway: ALD precursors and processes of alkali metal-containing thin films
– Steven George, University of Boulder, Colorado, USA: Thermal Atomic Layer Etching
COVID-19 situation
In light of the challenges introduced by the coronavirus (COVID-19) we note that the conference may or may not be transformed from a physical venue in Orlando into a virtual or hybrid mode. Please note, that ECS will decide and announce any changes not until July, 2021. We will keep you informed on this.
(On a personal note: I think that chances are that we will have another on-screen Fall Meeting).
U.S. Visa application
To accelerate your US Visa application process you can take or forward this ECS invitation letter to your nearest US-consulate or embassy. Please note that this invitation letter does not constitute an application for a Visa, and we cannot guarantee that it will enable you to obtain a Visa.
For more information, see:
In addition, Mrs. Francesca Spagnuolo at the ECS ( can provide you with an official participation letter on behalf of the Electrochemical Society.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Orlando !
Symposium G01 organizers:
F. Roozeboom, Eindhoven University of Technology, & TNO-Holst Centre, Eindhoven, The Netherlands e-mail:; S. De Gendt, IMEC and Catholic University Leuven, e-mail:; J. Dendooven, Ghent University, e-mail: ; J. W. Elam, Argonne National Laboratory, e-mail:; O. van der Straten, IBM Research, e-mail: ; A. Illiberi, ASM Europe, e-mail: ; G. Sundaram, Veeco, e-mail:; R. Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, email: ; Oana Leonte, Berkeley Polymer Technology, e-mail: ; Thorsten Lill, Lam Research, email: ; Matthias Young, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, e-mail:
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